8th International Symposium on NBIA in Switzerland

by | September 18, 2022

NBIA scientists will meet to share their research from October 13-15 in Lausanne, Switzerland, at the 8th International NBIA Symposium. More than 20 scientists and physicians from all over the world will present the results of their NBIA projects and learn about the latest developments in current NBIA research. The high-calibre program includes presentations on the most common NBIA variants PKAN, BPAN, MPAN, PLAN and FAHN and beyond, followed by discussions on the necessary next steps in the various branches of NBIA research.


In a confidential atmosphere, the symposium also offers the opportunity for researchers to get to know each other personally and to network, also with a view to future cooperation on research projects. Clinically active physicians, most of whom also have research experience in NBIA, can also share their experiences with treatment options for NBIA patients and thus take new findings back into their everyday clinical practice.

Hoffnungsbaum e.V. is one of the sponsors of this important NBIA event, the first face-to-face meeting of NBIA researchers since 2017, with €5,000. In 2020, the symposium was only held online due to the pandemic. Our US partner organization, the NBIA Disorders Accociation, is contributing $5,000 in the form of travel grants for young scientists.

The symposium is being organized by the Swiss NBIA patient organization NBIA Suisse under the leadership of its chair Fatemeh Mollet. Under the chairmanship of Prof. Dr. Thomas Klopstock, Head of the NBIA Centre at the Friedrich Baur Institute in Munich, a five-member scientific committee has taken on the task of designing the program. For Hoffnungsbaum e.V. our Chairman Markus Nielbock worked on the committee as a patient representative.

Website of the symposium: https://nbiasuisse.org/8th-international-symposium-on-nbia/

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